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Sunday, February 3, 2008

A Side Trip to Dublin

Although my main focus in Second Life is creating content, there is something to be said for creating a good time. I am now spinning tunes in Dublin, as Fibber Magees' Wednesday night DJ! It's not a far stretch for me, since I used to spin at clubs in "real life".

I was speaking with my friend Cher Harrington (DJ extraordinaire), a few weeks ago and telling her how much I love being a DJ. She said...Dublin! (Cher! lol) Next thing I knew, I was in IM with Otawan Fouquet and putting Wednesday Nights at Fibber Magees together. *laughs* It has been a real high for me. The Dublin staff have been wonderful to work with. They have made me feel right at home. Otawan is very encouraging and supportive of the talent at Dublin. I am impressed with the way she juggles the schedules and events and still has time to chat and lend an ear. Ajay McDowwll is a hostess for Dublin, my Wednesday night teammate and "Danger Twin". She's not only an excellent hostess, she's a genius at keeping track of chat! (I can't follow chat to save my life.) I don't think Wednesdays at Fibber's would go half as well without her. Her positive energy just fills the place! Then there's Spook Maroon, the shift manager of Fibber Magees, who calmly keeps the night going smoothly. Thanks to Spook, my sets run like clockwork. *smiles* If we run into a real issue with the stream or the sim's performance, Sitearm Madonna, Dublin's Sim Manager goes to work and gets it taken care of. All clubs should run this well! If I sound as if I'm gushing...I am. (I still love It's been a great experience for me. I look forward to my Wednesday night breaks and meeting new people. I'm more relaxed and ready to build, when Thursday rolls around. *smiles*

A warning to my EID Customers: If you IM me about a product on Wednesday night, while I'm DJ'ing, chances are more than likely that I'll send you a teleport to Fibbers. *grins*

There's a great deal to be said for the art of entertainment. It's immediate, high energy, rewarding and very -very addictive! *laughs*


  1. Awww, thank you Gwen!

    You know, only in Second Life can one say, "I think Gwen's hauling out the dancing slugs tonight," and have it make sense. Heee!

  2. *Laughing* Let me first give credit to the creator of the famous slugs, Nylon Pinkney.

    Only in Second Life can one say "Ajay's wearing the 'Chim of Death' so dance at your own risk"
